Thursday, November 19, 2009

What was your biggest dream as a child? Did you make your dream come true?
Maybe you dreamed of being an astronaut or a school teacher or the President of the United States of America.
Whatever it was, it gave you hope for a future, it drove you to wake up the next day.
I, like you, had a dream as a child. I wanted LOVE. I dreamed of love and a family, children and grandchildren.
I was never career driven. I managed to do several things in my life and am still driven to succeed in the loving relationships in my life!
I think a person's dreams change, or evolve throughout their life but what I really want to know is "what your BIGGEST Dream was" and did you follow that dream or did you let it slip away?
Whatever it was, I'd like to hear. If you made that dream come true, tell me. If it didn't come true, why not? AND...what do you plan to do in the future to MAKE your BIGGEST dream come true?


  1. My biggest dream as a child was to sing. I never had a good voice although I always signed up for choir in school. I just loved to sing.

    I won't pursue that dream but I have resolved it being a lover of others' voices.

    I'm ok with not making it as a singer...I wouldn't have enjoyed the Papparazzi much! ; )

  2. i wanted to be a lawyer and instead i am in love with a law student.

  3. To change the world. :)

  4. Well rigt now I just want to get into the slade university...It has not came true yet got 1 or 2 more years left to wait though...I'm chasing after the dream because that is my hope for the future......

  5. as a child i always wanted to be an artist, i still so alot of art but i want to get into animation-THAT would be a dream come true! im workin on it ;)

  6. My husband and I are on a cattle ranch in Canada, we do not work off of the ranch, it is a full time job here. The industry is undergoing major issues which should work to the betterment of the industry when all is said and done, but for the past 8 years, things have been a real struggle.
    I dream of the day when the cattle market heads to where it should be. Right now calves sell for less than half of what they are worth, we lose at least 100$ for every calf we sell. So many producers have sold out, so the numbers are reducing, it should straighten things out eventually. I don't want to be rich, I have absolutely no desire for that. I dream of a life where all this worry could vanish. I know life has it's worries, but I am so very tired of each year wondering if we can make our ranch payment because of the depressed calf market...
    You will hear my screams of delight when it does change!! That is my dream!

  7. leave this place, and set off somewhere i could entirely be myself.

    Make myself happy and to be someone i could be proud of myself.

    Be one of the best man to excel on the career/life that i am pursuing

  8. My dream was to travel the world due to a horrible childhood.

    I want to explore this beautiful planet.

    I think when my kids are raised it maybe obtainable.

    I dream of exploring new things all the time it so fascinating!

  9. my biggest dream is to open a farm to teach the disabled about the various crops, flowers, animals and machines associted with agriculture. i have done this on a small scale at my old job and there was a lot of interest but only a couple of crops and some flowers were covered, plus the owner had no machines that were safe enough for the purpose.

  10. I have always enjoyed writing. Whether it was term papers for school, fiction for the pure enjoyment of using my imagination, or songs that I'd written, it's been the love of my life for as long as I can remember. As I grew older, It became evident that all of my heroes had one thing in common. They were songwriters. I realized that this was my true passion and it's what I've always wanted to pursue. I have written songs since I was 12, and continue to write today. During my earlier years, I never put forth effort to make my dream of being a hit songwriter come true. It seemed so unachievable. Besides, I got married in 1987, had 2 kids and worked full time in Washington state. I had responsibilities. In 1996, I realized that somewhere deep in my soul, something was missing. It was the desire for my songs to become my livelihood. I spoke to my husband about my undying dream, and he pushed me to try to achieve the success for which I was yearning. His encouragement inspired me, so we packed up everything we owned including 2 small children, and we moved to Nashville, Tn! If I was ever going to make it in this business, Nashville was the place to be. I hit the road hard when I first arrived. I made demos and submitted them all over town. I did get some encouragement, but mostly, I received negative responses. Everyone who's ever made it in songwriting states that they went through years of rejection before achieving success. The rejections affected my psyche even though I knew I should expect the negative responses. Since that time, I have struggled to move forward with my dream. I am here, and I realize no one will knock on my door and hand me a publishing contract. I have to do this on my own. I am in the town of Nashville, where my passion can be reached, but I am lacking the courage to move forward. My soul will be scarred if I never achieve this dream. I want to step up to the plate and obtain the success I've waited for. It's not about the money or the fame. It's about the DREAM. The dream for which I am still waiting to come true.

  11. My dream was to be accepted by my mom for who I was and finally after taking a college course in Socialogy I was able to mend it. However, I met three amazing women who during my teenage years helped form me into the woman I am today and I am eternally grateful for them. Isn't it strange that one of those beautiful and couragous women is now co-authoring this book! MUCH LOVE AND BLESSINGS

  12. to have never been born. : (
